Sunday 9 October 2011

Scillies 7.10.11

The Snow Bunting, the funny Blackbird and the Grey Heron.

News over the radio before we'd left the hotel room told of a Spoonbill on Green Island near Samson. I though the best place to view it would be from Star Castle. The Black Kite was seen again viewed distantly over the airport. We sat on a bench and I scanned towards Samson and eventually found the Spoonbill sat on a small rocky island where it was getting blasted by sea spray and wind. More news came over the radio of a Snow Bunting near the camp site so we wandered through the sports area and down the path to the camp. A male Blackcap was in the bushes along the path and eventually we located the female Snow Bunting on the grass path. We carried on along the path and were alerted to a strange bird near Morning Point. I got it in my scope and saw it was a partial albino Blackbird! A Spotted Flycatcher was seen high in the trees at the start of the Lower Broome platform. After a drink in the Old Town cafe we walked around to Porth Minnick where my 5th Wryneck of the week flew towards the allotments and a Merlin flew through upsetting the Meadow Pipits. Another Clouded Yellow was also seen. We were goning to carry on to the Airport windsock to see the American Golden Plover but that had flown off so instead we turned back and went through Lower Moors where again we saw the Snipe sp but this time asleep. 3 Grey Herons were in a tree behind the pools so I took a pic of one of them for Barbara! We left Lower Moors and started walking back towards Hugh Town when that lovely sound of the MEGA alert went off again. This time though it was even better news as the Snipe sp we'd just been watching had been confirmed from photos as my first ever WILSON'S SNIPE. I turned round to tell the birder behind us the good news only for him to tell us he'd taken the crucial photo of the bird's spread tail which confirmed 16 feathers and clinching the ID!

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