Sunday, 30 October 2011
Eastern Crowned Warbler - 30.10.11
Anyway, I recieved a call telling me that the ringers had trapped a Yellow-Browed Warbler which would have been the 5th for the county, but it's my weekend with my "birds are boring" 8 year old son and the in-laws had arrived from Kent so I had no chance to go straight away. Then just after noon the MEGA alert went off and to my amazement it read Mega - Herts - Eastern Crowned Warbler at Hilfield Res!! I eventually arrived on site at 3.30pm and wandered up the West side of the res. But the bird (as yet) wasn't seen again. All I noted in the hour I was there was 3 Goldcrest, Fieldfare and a single phyllosc warbler that flew past but wasn't seen again before dark. Fingers crossed it's still there tomorrow.
Autumnwatch - 28.10.11
Cassiobury Park - 28.10.11
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Cassiobury Park - 27.10.11
Cassiobury Park - 26.10.11
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Cassiobury Park - 25.10.11
Monday, 24 October 2011
Cassiobury Park - 24.10.11
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Cassiobury Park - 20.10.11
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Cassiobury Park - 19.10.11
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Cassiobury Park - 18.10.11
Cassiobury Park - 17.10.11
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Getting The Boot In - 16.10.11

Friday, 14 October 2011
Back Garden Vismigging - 14.10.11
351 Redwing
7 Mistle Thrush
2 Siskin
2 Lesser Redpoll
32 Greenfinch
21 Goldfinch
2 Linnet
Coal Tit
Then I went back out at 9am to hang the washing out and in the time it took me to do that I noted-
1 Fieldfare
18 Redwing
1 Linnet
1 Lesser Redpoll
2 Skylark
So not too bad and I probably missed other stuff before I got outside.
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Back To Reality - 13.10.11

Sunday, 9 October 2011
Scillies + Cornwall - 8.10.11
Hopefully you won't fall asleep reading my weeks worth of sightings and it's probably best to scroll down to the 1st entry so you can read it in order! The only downers of the week were the news of the Sandhill Crane in Suffolk flying off 2 days before we left and the Upland Sandpiper being found when we were 1 hour from home!
Scillies 7.10.11

Scillies - 6.10.11

Scillies - 5.10.11

Scillies - 4.10.11

Scillies - 3.10.11

Scillies - 1+2.10.11

The Northern Waterthrush, Buff-Breasted Sandpiper, Black Kite (about a mile away!) amd my Pied Flycatcher.
After a long wander going past Lower Moors we stopped off at Porthloo beach where eventually we saw the Common Rosefinch but only as it flew off! While waiting in the hope it'd return someone shouted Wryneck! No sooner as i'd got on it it flew off to the far end of the beach but then showed well on the rocks and cliff face.
Even though it was stupidly hot for October we then walked all the way around the garrison! Pretty much nothing was found apart form my 4th Clouded Yellow of the day but as we approached the pine belt I noticed a bird behaving like a flycatcher. I got the scope on it and it was indeed a flycatcher but not spotted as i'd expected but my first Pied Flycatcher of the year! A 1st winter Mediterranean Gull flew past the Star Castle hotel at the end of the walk. We got back to the room and took off our boots and both sighed with relief!