Firstly my apologies for the lack of posts. The reason is that i've been off work since last Tuesday after according to the doctor most likely slipping a disc in my lower back which has severly restricted things like moving and walking!! Having only spent less than 7 hours outside of the flat in a week the walls were closing in too much and there is only so much daytime telly you can watch so I thought sod it i'm going out. As the weather was dry for a change I headed over to Wilstone Reservoir where after the slowest walk i've ever made to the hide I finally had good views of the Great White Egret that was now on it's thrid day of residence. It showed very well and closer than my only other Herts GWE which was way back in 2003 (on the hottest day ever recorded in the UK) also at Wilstone. 3 Little Egrets and a Ringed Plover were the other noteworthy birds. After about 20 minutes I was starting to ache so off I went back to the car and home again where a Red Kite over the car on the A41 became my 300th in the UK!
6 hours ago