Here is a depressing list of Mega rarities that turned up last year which if I'd been in the right place at the right time I'd have seen. But I didn't!
1. Forster's Tern
2. American Coot
3. American Herring Gull
4. Black-Browed Albatross
5. Pine Grosbeak
6. Baikal Teal
7. Harlequin Duck
8. Rock Thrush
9. White-Throated Needletail
10. Ascension Frigatebird
11. Bridled Tern
12. Swinhoe's Petrel
13. Fea's Petrel
14. Bulwers Petrel
15. Yelkouan Shearwater
16. Little Shearwater
17. Red-Billed Tropicbird
18. Black + White Warbler
19. Elegant Tern
20. Great Snipe
21. Wilson's Warbler
22. Eastern Kingbird
23. White's Thrush
24. Sykes Warbler
25. Isabelline Wheatear
26. Hudsonian Whimbrel
27. Thick-Billed Warbler
28. Cedar Waxwing
29. Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler
30. Ovenbird
31. Siberian Rubythroat
32. Cape May Warbler
33. Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
34. Myrtle Warbler
35. Mourning Dove
36. Hermit Thrush
37. Lesser Kestrel
38. Orphean Warbler
39. Yellow-Breasted Bunting
40. Ivory Gull
If I'd seen all of those my UK list would be 467!
Sonning Eye GPs: 22nd February
45 minutes ago
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