Sunday 12 May 2024

Norfolk Weekend - 20-21.4.24

As it was my step mothers 60th birthday we popped up for the weekend arriving Friday evening after a nightmare 4 and a 1/4 hour journey. Saturday morning dawned and as the rest of the family decided to use the in-site pool I headed over to Winterton Dunes for a couple of hours birding. The dunes themselves were dead so I tucked myself up behind one of the huts in the car park and had a seawatch. 

The first bird of note was a year tick Whimbrel that headed north just offshore. A little while later I picked up a distant small duck that was heading towards me. It then banked and headed north showing it to be a drake Garganey which was my first ever from a seawatch! Another Whimbrel, 6 Brent Geese and 100+ Gannet were also noted. The last good bird was a brief adult Yellow-legged Gull in the car park which was sadly flushed by dogs. 

Sunday and it was time for home. A quick stop off at Foxholes Heath in Suffolk drew a blank for Stone Curlews and apparently it turned out they’d not been seen there for a couple of years. 3 male Wheatear were some nice compensation though.

Another stop at Sandon in Herts failed again for Corn Bunting but 4 male Yellow Wagtail were stood on the road and made the year list. 

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