Sunday 12 May 2024

County Tick - 30.3.24

News had emerged of Goshawks being present in Herts and so on the Easter Saturday I was up early and headed the 20 or so minutes over to the site and parked up. I got myself set up and prepared for a long wait. 3 minutes later and I noticed 3 birds circling over the front edge of the woods so I got my scope on them. The first 2 were Buzzards and the 3rd was of a similar size but slate grey on the upper parts, whitish underparts and showed a fairly distinct white supercilium. It was a female Goshawk! This was my first county tick since the Green-winged Teal in January 2022.

It circled around again before it suddenly dived into the trees presumably hunting and vanished. I hung around for another 40 minutes and noted 20+ Buzzard, 25+ Red Kite, 4 Stock Dove, 6+ Lesser Redpoll and a single Sparrowhawk

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