This 10th for Britain became my 10th American warbler species in Britain and amazingly my 6th species in the last 26 months!
A great end of the year.
Giving you all my latest sightings no matter how dull they are!!!!
This 10th for Britain became my 10th American warbler species in Britain and amazingly my 6th species in the last 26 months!
A great end of the year.
Just before going to lunch I spotted 2 geese heading towards me and to my surprise they were Brent Geese! They flew over the bowling green heading SE and became the newest species on the Cassiobury Park/Whippendell Woods list and my 114th species for the park.
Back in 1999 a light morph Booted Eagle toured England, Scotland and Wales but was rejected due to the time of year it arrived, feather wear, their inability to cross water and length of stay. Fast forward to this year and a dark morph bird was found in Cornwall with the now annual Red Kite movement but was only seen briefly.
Then last month whilst I was on Scilly a pale morph bird was found in the Lands End area and seen by a few lucky birders over a couple of days. We gave it a couple of hours once we’d arrived back in Cornwall but had no luck.
Then at the start of November a dark morph bird was seen briefly in Oxfordshire of all places and then amazingly re found the next day in Berkshire. Those who were able to get there early enough on Saturday morning were rewarded with a couple of showings before it disappeared over Henley-on-Thames.
Sunday morning I joined the throng in the hope of it returning but like the previous Sunday despite a few hours on site there was no sign of it. But here’s hoping it’ll stick around the local area or even better head to Herts and show itself.
This unassuming site was very birdy with 100+ Red Kite, 20+ Buzzard, 50+ Skylark, 60+ Fieldfare, 80+ Redwing and singles of Egyptian Goose, Bullfinch, Snipe and Curlew.
2 dips in a week isn’t something I’ve been used to in recent years so let’s hope that’s the end of my run of bad luck!
I’d visited this site once before for a Glaucous Gull in the seal colony on the way home from a twitch. But todays visit with Brendon and Ricky was for something much smaller and rarer. The bird in question was the UK’s 9th Black-faced Bunting. It’d been found on the Friday north of the car park and Saturday it was trapped and ringed 2 miles south and brought back to the car park to be released.
It showed briefly on and off for the rest of the day and so Sunday saw us there but despite giving it nearly 6 hours it wasn’t seen and we all left empty handed.
We were kept entertained though with 3 groups of Whooper Swan totalling 39 birds flying south, 2 juvenile Spoonbill, 6 Greenshank, Peregrine, Marsh Harrier and both Brent and Pink-footed Geese.
Back at work after my trip to Scilly and whilst in Callowland Rec I heard then saw a singing Firecrest. This was the 3rd I’d found at work this year and is probably the same bird I had here in 2023? One species that’s definitely expanding its range locally.
The morning was a quiet one with nothing of note seen. That was until news popped up on the WhatsApp group of an Olive-backed Pipit on St.Agnes. Needing this for my Scilly list we jumped on the boat and were some of the first on site at the bulb dump. Within 30 seconds it popped out onto the short grass and started feeding and showing well. It was also my first anywhere for 21 years and just my 3rd ever so a great bird all round.
As I was watching the pipits the radio crackled with the news of a Marsh Harrier over Annet so I clambered up the bank around Porth Killier and scoped the island and thankfully got on it straight away and that was my number 1 Scilly ‘tarts’ tick finally seen.
Having dried out from yesterday’s deluge we headed up to Peninnis again to try and see the elusive Wryneck. Again we failed and to make matters worse when I was down looking for it both Brendon and Ian Williams had had 3 geese fly over. They shouted at me but due to the wind I didn’t hear them and so I missed a Scilly tick of 3 Barnacle Geese.
With that disappointment myself and Brendon headed over to Bryher to try for another potential Scilly tick. 2 Great White Egret were in Tresco channel and as we arrived on Bryher another one flew off to join them. Before I’d even left the quay the radio burst into life with news of an Osprey nearby and sure enough there it was heading towards Tresco.
Every time I go to Bryher I managed to take a wrong turn or get lost and today was no difference and we ended up walking around the south side of Samson Hill instead of heading straight to Popplestone Beach but it did pay off with a Firecrest by the boatyard.
Eventually we arrived at Heathy Hill and after a short wait a group of tourists walked down a path and flushed out the Hoopoe that’d been present for a couple of days. Sadly it took flight and headed around the back of the hill and was then seen over the boatyard heading towards Tresco. Not the best views I’ve ever had of one but a Scilly tick all the same and considering some people on site missed it completely we were lucky. My luck then improved when a Barnacle Goose flew past just offshore. 2 Scilly ticks in 30 seconds!
Dave Hall then mentioned a Grey Plover on a small island off of Stony Porth. We saw that and for me it was an embarrassing year tick!
I wonder how many people have seen Barnacle Goose and Goose Barnacles on the same day before?!
As I stepped out of our accommodation I could hear my first Redwings of the autumn closely followed by a Merlin zooming low and catching a House Sparrow.
The Short-toed Lark was still in its favoured field on Peninnis. This bird is my 8th on Scilly and I’m still yet to see one away from the isles.
5 Mediterranean Gulls were at Porthcressa beach and just out at sea 10+ Cory’s Shearwaters flew past. St.Agnes was the island of choice today and as we were sat on the boat waiting to leave a Golden Plover flew over. Once on Aggy we failed to see the reported Red-breasted Flycatcher or Barred Warbler but Spotted Flycatcher and Yellow-browed Warbler were had by the Fruitcages.
Fly over Snipe were seen at Coastguards and Big Pool and a Black Redstart was on Pericles beach.
The heavens opened on the boat back and we were soaked quite literally to the skin. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!
The previous day I’d got up early to sit in the garden hoping for a flyover Tree Pipit. Sadly none were to be seen.
Fast forward to today and a morning in the garden cutting the lawn etc also failed to produce but after lunch I went out to put some rubbish in the bin and low and behold the familiar call of a Tree Pipit filled the air. I managed to pick it up as it flew high west. This was the 4th occasion and the 5th bird over my garden in the 10 years living here.
Birthday birding again and the last one of my 40’s! A morning wandering around Wilstone produced 3 year ticks which were all seen from the hide. They were 2 Green Sandpiper, 2 juvenile Greenshank and 2 Hobby. A Kingfisher was also a patchwork challenge year tick.
3 Raven were to the north of the reservoir and 2 Wigeon were I think the first returning birds of the autumn.
I joined Matt Moreton on the trip down to Hampshire. As he had to drop his brother off at Luton airport at 4am he picked me up on the way back and so we were on site around 7am. We wandered around the sea wall and joined 4 other birders but nobody had had any sign of our target species.
I cheated a bit and scanned Twitter and using video and photos already posted I worked out roughly where we should be looking and picked out a white blob tucked in the long grass and weeds but despite the odd shuffle it refused to show.
An early start at work due to after school childcare problems proved to be a good thing as upon arrival and whilst unlocking the front gates to our yard I heard a Firecrest singing from trees near the tennis courts! My 2nd self found Firecrest this year while at work. 10 minutes later and it’d moved north into the park and that was it.
Another year had passed and it was time for the local patch competition. I was on site at 5.10am at Wilstone Reservoir but sadly it was raining and did so for the first 3 hours and even sat in the hide it was freezing cold.
Hirundines started appearing including my first House Martins of the year. Common Tern and Sedge Warbler were also year firsts and just as I was leaving the hide Ian Williams said he had a Swift near the car park steps. Another year tick and brought up 150 species for the year. A couple of Reed Warbler were had at cemetery corner before I ventured over to the other reservoirs. News was coming in of tern movement in surrounding counties so it wasn’t much of a surprise when I’d finished walking around Tringford Reservoir that Dave Bilcock had a found a Little Tern back at Wilstone. I rushed back and got onto it. 30 minutes after it was found it flew up and away to the SW having only been seen by 5 of us. It was just my 2nd for Tring and 3rd for Herts. It was also the rarest bird seen in the county that weekend so has won me the prize of a painting of the bird by Matt Moreton. A nice Arctic Tern was also seen and the number had risen to 3 by the time I left to visit College Lake and Pitstone Quarry.
Even though I couldn’t count what was at College Lake as it was just in Bucks I still popped in and saw the 2 Barnacle Geese present one of which has a yellow ring Y65 which was from one of the feral populations from Bedfordshire. The quarry was full of water which after the amount of rain we’ve had recently was much of a surprise.
12.5 hours later and I’d seen 68 species but was miles behind the leaders.
As it was my step mothers 60th birthday we popped up for the weekend arriving Friday evening after a nightmare 4 and a 1/4 hour journey. Saturday morning dawned and as the rest of the family decided to use the in-site pool I headed over to Winterton Dunes for a couple of hours birding. The dunes themselves were dead so I tucked myself up behind one of the huts in the car park and had a seawatch.
The first bird of note was a year tick Whimbrel that headed north just offshore. A little while later I picked up a distant small duck that was heading towards me. It then banked and headed north showing it to be a drake Garganey which was my first ever from a seawatch! Another Whimbrel, 6 Brent Geese and 100+ Gannet were also noted. The last good bird was a brief adult Yellow-legged Gull in the car park which was sadly flushed by dogs.
Sunday and it was time for home. A quick stop off at Foxholes Heath in Suffolk drew a blank for Stone Curlews and apparently it turned out they’d not been seen there for a couple of years. 3 male Wheatear were some nice compensation though.
Another stop at Sandon in Herts failed again for Corn Bunting but 4 male Yellow Wagtail were stood on the road and made the year list.
Driving home from my mums I got stuck in a little bit of traffic just outside Leavsden Studios (of Harry Potter fame) and heard a Whitethroat singing from the hedge out front. Magical!
News had emerged of Goshawks being present in Herts and so on the Easter Saturday I was up early and headed the 20 or so minutes over to the site and parked up. I got myself set up and prepared for a long wait. 3 minutes later and I noticed 3 birds circling over the front edge of the woods so I got my scope on them. The first 2 were Buzzards and the 3rd was of a similar size but slate grey on the upper parts, whitish underparts and showed a fairly distinct white supercilium. It was a female Goshawk! This was my first county tick since the Green-winged Teal in January 2022.
It circled around again before it suddenly dived into the trees presumably hunting and vanished. I hung around for another 40 minutes and noted 20+ Buzzard, 25+ Red Kite, 4 Stock Dove, 6+ Lesser Redpoll and a single Sparrowhawk.
Just my second visit of the year to Tring started off well with a small group of Sand Martin in the NW corner along with a single Swallow. By the Waddesden Estate gate near the path up to the dry canal I heard a Willow Warbler singing and just my 2nd patch RN Parakeet flew west. 150+ Golden Plover were seen to the north of Wilstone in flight and the Pink-footed Goose was still present. The other 3 reservoirs held nothing of note but College Lake had 2 Oystercatchers, 2 Redshank and 5 Snipe which were my first of the year!