Saturday 14 September 2024

Hemel - 31.8.24

The previous day I’d got up early to sit in the garden hoping for a flyover Tree Pipit. Sadly none were to be seen. 

Fast forward to today and a morning in the garden cutting the lawn etc also failed to produce but after lunch I went out to put some rubbish in the bin and low and behold the familiar call of a Tree Pipit filled the air. I managed to pick it up as it flew high west. This was the 4th occasion and the 5th bird over my garden in the 10 years living here.

Wilstone- 30.8.24

Birthday birding again and the last one of my 40’s! A morning wandering around Wilstone produced 3 year ticks which were all seen from the hide. They were 2 Green Sandpiper, 2 juvenile Greenshank and 2 Hobby. A Kingfisher was also a patchwork challenge year tick. 

3 Raven were to the north of the reservoir and 2 Wigeon were I think the first returning birds of the autumn. 
